Break Through Feelings of Inadequacy: Free Ebook to combat Imposter Syndrome and ignite your confidence

Over 200 pages of Tips, Journal Writing Questions and Daily Challenges to Change the Way You Perceive Your Worth

"How to Beat Imposter Syndrome and Be Confident," by Self Worth Sam

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This book can take you to the next level of confidence.

Learn How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome

Gain knowledge and skills to...

  • Understand Imposter Feelings

  • Identify Imposter Causes

  • Stop Second-Guessing

  • Quit Overthinking

  • Conquer Perfectionism

  • Defeat Self-Doubt

  • Value Yourself More

Learn How to Beat Imposter Syndrome

Acquire the power and certainty to...

  • Combat Imposter Syndrome

  • Break the Imposter Cycle

  • Trust Yourself More

  • Handle Criticism Positively

  • Silence Negative Thoughts

  • Accept Compliments

  • Think Like a Genius

Learn the Key to Confidence

Develop the ability to...

  • Own Your Expertise

  • Value Your Contributions

  • Believe in Your Abilities

  • Be Authentically You

  • Feel Worthy of Success

  • Confidence in Your Body

  • Give Yourself Breaks Without Guilt

Learn How to Build Confidence

Bring into your life the

  • Overcome Fear and Doubt

  • Regain Your Confidence

  • Benefit from Imposter Syndrome

  • Dissolve Feelings of Inadequacy

  • Believe In Yourself Despite Doubters

  • Put Yourself Out There

  • Plan Your Goals and Steps Decisively

  • Speak with Authority

  • Plan Your Destiny with Inspiration

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